Registered Yorkies

Super Personality 

for inquiries about puppies call/text 605-651-0276 

 Beautiful  Female Jorkie 10/18/24


Markings with pure white soft fur

Mable has a black bullseye on her butt and her tail is half black with white on the end


Something that sets us apart from other breeders...

Here at Puppies Over the Rainbow we offer a 1-year health guarantee!

We guarantee our puppies to be heathy. We put a lot of love and work into insuring that our mature dogs and newly born puppies are healthy. It is the responsibility of the buyer to set up a check-up within the first 48 hours of adoption to keep the guarantee intact. (Exceptions would be holidays and weekends) If you adopt a puppy from us that was unfortunatly born with any kind of health defect, we will replace your puppy within the first year. You will receive a puppy of equal value whenever you feel you are ready. It will depend on which puppies we have available but you may also take the time you need to grieve over your lost puppy.

We will not cover the death of a puppy due to neglect or accident. This would include, but is not limited to, dehydration, falls, Hypoglycemia, or starvation.

In the unfortunate event that your puppy dies, we do require a signed and dated report from a licensed DMV. We will need an explanation of death proving that the death was indeed due to a health defect.

We provide the first set of shots and worming to all puppies. We do base care off of age and size; if a puppy is projected to be under 3lbs we do not vaccinate. Due to Yorkies being smaller, we recommend getting shots done by a veterinarian and that you request that only half the dosage is given. If full doses are give, it will void the warranty. 

Things that we do not guarantee: *Ability to reproduce *Ability to enter and/or win a dog show * Thickness of coats * Length of legs * Standing ears *

***We reserve the right to give full or limited registration ***

e mail

Becky 605-651-0276 Text/Call